Meet Caitlin Jones, Communications Intern

Caitlin Jones, a white woman with blonde hair smiles at the camera and holds up a "hook em" gesture

Meet Caitlin Jones, Landmarks' Communications Intern 

Landmarks welcomes Caitlin Jones as its summer communications intern. Caitlin is pursuing a degree in Art History within UT’s College of Fine Arts. This summer, she will assist Landmarks’ communications team with social media, promotion of Simone Leigh’s Sentinel IV, and a variety of other PR and marketing initiatives.

We recently sat down with Caitlin to learn more about her interests in the arts and beyond. Check out the Q&A below.

What is a work of art you could look at for hours?

A few years ago, I was in Washington D.C. and was able to see places and works of art I had dreamed of since I was a child. What made the biggest impression on me, however, was a work  I encountered that I wasn’t actively seeking out. I dragged my family into the Hirshhorn Museum on a whim and saw huddled in the corner Ron Mueck’s Untitled (Big Man). As the kids say, the work has lived in my head rent-free ever since. 

What is your favorite work in Landmarks’ collection?

I served as a volunteer with the Landmarks Preservation Guild (LPG) and one of my responsibilities was to care for Tony Smith’s Amaryllis. After almost a year of observing it, I have seen how Amaryllis faintly catches the light of streetlamps at night; the areas that pool water when it rains, and the dust streaks that run down its sides in the heat. Amaryllis appears timeless from a distance, an imposing monochrome shape, but I enjoy how that illusion breaks upon closer inspection. Also, on a less poetic note, I just love a crisp shape and Amaryllis delivers that.

Are you involved in anything else on campus?

Yes, I am a bit of a thespian, so I immediately joined a theatre organization. Currently, I serve as the Publicity Officer for the University Theatre Guild, and I was fortunate enough to co-direct a student-written play with them last semester. Theatre has served many roles in my life. As an art form it encourages vulnerability and community, so it has brought me some of my closest friends. Moreover, theatre sparked my interest in storytelling, which then extended to the role art objects play in communicating a message. 

What are your short-term goals?

I used to be an avid reader, but as I’ve gotten older it's been hard to budget the time to read for pleasure, especially since I am a binge reader. To combat this, I am trying to read a chapter of a book a night, no more and no less. Also, I am trying to brush up on my Spanish! 

What are your plans post-grad?

While plans can certainly change, I am hoping to find a job working with an art collection. Whether as an archivist or managing social media, I hope to be actively sifting through art and information and to share it with others.