Welcome Vega Shah


A headshot of Vega Shah. She has black hair and wears a denim shirt while holding a cowboy hat in the foreground of the photo

Welcome Vega Shah, Landmarks Fall 2021 Communication Intern

Landmarks is happy to welcome Vega Shah as its fall 2021 Communications Intern. Vega is a forth-year Liberal Arts Honors student pursuing a major in anthropology, a minor in art history, and a certificate in museum studies. Previously, Vega interned with Austin’s Museum of Human Achievement and the Moody Gallery in Houston, TX. Vega is currently Programming Officer for Center Space Project, a curatorial collective that works in tandem with the Visual Arts Center. This semester, she will assist Landmarks’ communications team with social media, ongoing campaigns, and efforts surrounding the opening of Sarah Oppenheimer’s C-010106.

“As a senior, I can say that the works across campus have become, quite literally “Landmarks” for me at UT. Returning this year for in person classes and once again seeing the giant canoes on Speedway or the Donald Lipski sculpture next to the tower gives me a sense of comfort, enhances my on-campus experience, and makes it all the more memorable.” – Vega Shah